
Inspiration surrounds us, omnipresent in all things we have the power to observe, touch, and smell.
It is essential that we always allow ourselves to be taken away by all of which resonates deep down, all of which make us react positively, all of these simple things which seem to mirror our true selves. Our allies are inspiration boards such as Pinterest, magazines, fashion blogs, architecture, art, shapes, colors, materials, and certain little details. Later on, we should more easily take the initiative to collect notes and remember these inspirations. Through this exposure to various aesthetics we learn to figure out where we stand, which is also an effective way to define our personal style.

Then, sorting each thematic will help us implement our fashion identity and create a wardrobe line coherent with our lifestyle. Only by going through this inspiration process will we be capable of considering new concepts and stylistic approaches. For the pieces we already posses in our wardrobe, analyze and keep only the ones that reflect this notion. It will put us at ease, make us reevaluate, and gain in self-confidence. At this step of the process, if the result lacks some key pieces and basics, we must find the means to smartly invest in some new qualitative, versatile and timeless garments so to optimize it all and generously bring to a finish our initial archetype, which is to reinvent ourselves.

Reevaluate and renew this process about twice a year, at the approach of each upcoming season. Reconsidering the way we organize, refresh, and detox the general state of our wardrobe promotes a positive state of mind and opens us to consider new and favorable resolutions.

on the left: Porter Magazine – on the right: KaMagazine –  Carriage 44 Candle

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